Monday, October 29, 2012

Reading Strategies....Recipricol Teaching

Day 29 of 31 days...

It is important that our kids not just read the Word of God, but that they begin to understand or comprehend it, so that they can apply the truth they are consuming to their lives.   But how do we help them to comprehend?  Reading is a complex process, but research has shown there are a few strategies that can improve a student's reading immensely! If used regularly children can grow 2 grade levels. So why aren't we connecting these strategies to the reading of God's Word?  We can and should!

Once the children are reading the text smoothly (around 2-3 grade typically), a process called Reciprocal Teaching can be modeled for children and they can easily learn to use independently.  Sometimes these are called the Fabulous Four (predicting,questioning,summarizing,clarifying)  or the Super Six:  (add evaluate and connecting). 

Here are some printable posters that I love to use! Here are some letters for parents that explain the strategies!

Here is a video for primary children that might help you see what it looks like...

here is another one with older students (who are leading it a bit more independently). 

Once you are aware of the strategies to think about and model. It is easy to use them as you read your Bible.  I actually find that if I have a bookmark with the strategies, I find them helpful in my own personal Bible study.  (tomorrow an example!) 

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