Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Word of the Year, my story and growth....

I often think that I am not very different from my children.  Sure I am a grown up, but I still find I thrive and learn more like a child.  I need simple, repeated concepts to help me grow, to keep my mind set on the things of the Lord, and to be faithful in focusing on Him.

One of my techniques the past few years, has been choosing a word of the the year.  Often it’s been a private area that I haven’t shared, but I’m recognizing it has benefitted me and I should share.  

2017’s Word was Adore or Adoration.   I focused on Gods attributes and daily thanking Him for Who He is, and discovered that the more intimately I know Him, the more present I am, with Holy Spirit help and support in my day, my moment, my seconds.  And the more I know Him, the more at peace I am, and the more I want to know Him even more intimately. The Lord brought many changes into my life where He showed me that He is all that I need, and He is enough for every moment of my life.  I found there are so many ways to adore God than I could even imagine. 

2016’s Word was Joy.  I recognized that my eyes easily moved from the joy of the Lord, to utter despair, hopelessness, without pausing for prayer, and waiting to see what God might show me in each situation.  And I lived with new found contentment that in everything that happened, all the emotions and cycles, I could be full of joy, knowing that this was in Gods plan for my moment, day, week, and even in a career change that wasn’t settled in my plans, but was clearly where the Lord wanted me to find my Joy. 

2015’s Word turned to Hope, as I discovered that when I trust the Lord in with full faith, I not only find hope, He blesses my life, emotions, situations with more Hope and blessing that I would even dare to pray for or anticipate. 

2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 were my initial years and I can’t even tell you which year was faith, trust, or gratitude, but they led me clearly into learning Abide in Him intimately, as I’d always prayed and desired to live.  But those concepts helped me focus on the Word of God with more intent, more commitment, and more purpose.  Which helped me recognize that I can’t trust Him on my own as well as I desire to do, but when I recognize that the Holy Spirit can help me even when I have no words to share.  I can abide in Him as John 15 teaches.  Truly these concepts intertwine in a human being, as we learn to look at Yahweh, or Abba intimately and live in His calling, purpose, and identity.

As I look back on my spiritual growth, I can pinpoint simple concepts and seasons of growth.  Many were not areas I longed for or sought out, but yet God directed me in transformation, waiting, meditation as I dwelled on memorizing passages like Psalm 103, Psalm 71, Psalm 1, Ephesians 1, Romans 12, Hebrews 11, ...but in this current season, listening to Him, and seeking out a concept to study, to read and write the verses connected to it, and to dwell on it, has been incredibly helpful to my resolve and growth.

How about you?  What spurs you to focus on the Word, growing in intimacy and relationship with Our Great and Mighty God?  This is one way. I know there are many.   

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