Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Book Review Part 2: Unseen the Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to be Noticed by Sara Hagerty

I read a lot.  Reading is self care, and in my world, as a wife, Mom, servant of Christ, and educator, I need self care, more like a life line! It's a part of who I am, but as believers and followers of Christ, it's what we are called to do.  How can we know and love God intimately if we don't spend time with Him?  How can we hear Him in those nano second decisions if we aren't in communication with Him?  We can't.  Books come and go, and in this day and age, many books I let the library buy so I can read and share easily, and because I know I won't likely re-read it or consult the book again.  But this book, is so unique and motivating, I've purchased copies for friends who I think will value and find this message timely.  And my amazing library ordered me the audio-book, so that I can listen to it and have it come alive all over again.  

My life has changed drastically in the past year, I've gone from half time educator trainer to stay at home Mom, and that impacted my identity.  And I've learned that I'm okay, but not seeing people (especially more than family) on a day to day basis, has been a big change.  But as this book shares, the hidden, unseen aspects of our lives, are often where real life happens.  And I'm so blessed to have time to spend sitting at the feet of Jesus, talking with God the Father, getting more acquainted with Who He is, and learning to look to Him in all things both wonderful and broken, as I know the Lord will Provide.  

This book helped me find words for this journey and change, and inspired me with ways to include my children.  I love the perspective of thinking, What does God think about ____? What does God think about me with_____? and realizing the answers are clear- He loves me, He's here with me, He's providing for me, He's blessed by me, and I am His and for His glory.  And that's a better perspective than any other, and learning to live in light of this truth is a great focus.  

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