Monday, March 4, 2013


I've been thinking about Easter and how to prepare our hearts, and how to help our children anticipate Easter like we anticipated Christmas.  

How do you teach about Easter?
How do you encourage a time of reflection in this time that others refer to as Lent? 
Comment below and share your ideas
We remember the Lord's Supper in Breaking of Bread weekly at our chapel, but I'm realizing that emphasizing the process of remembrance that leads to worship once a year with our children, really may help their learning and personal growth, so I'm mulling over how to integrate these concepts into our lives this month! 

I've added some pins to my Pinterest Board to help think this through and will be working at sharing Easter books and resources with my children's ministry class this week.

I'm especially intrigued with visuals and story tellers, as I really believe I'm a good preschool learner!! I need props and images to remember and fix in my brain!

 “He Lives!” Finger Puppets  what all can you do with this set of puppets from oriental trading?

Pinned Image

1 comment:

  1. We enjoy preparing our heart's for Easter the way we do during Advent. I love those hands on toys from OT. I'll be checking out your Pinterest board for ideas!
