This book might just be my current favorite children's book! And if you know me, that's a big deal! In my attempt to showcase children's books fairly, I'm sharing my what I like, educational connections, and what I wonder or would change or add... and if I write a book, editors I know make you pick and choose, but I have high standards!
What I like about the book:
- appealing rhyme and the rhythm it develops, making it appealing to ALL ages.
- Hardcover book in the style of the "I can Read books" of my childhood like Sammy the Seal, Danny and the Dinosaur, and more modern Dr. Seuss Hardback books. Thick nice pages inside, make it a book that will endure a family with many children. It feels good. Right sized as well.
- Illustrations- the pages are fun, busy, and the characters and items are a bit silly or quirky, but it adds to the appeal.
- Multi-ethnic people throughout the book, children need to see people who look like they do.
- Formatting, the text is different sizes emphasizing key words, alliterations, descriptive words.
- The theme of the book, a BIG DREAM, is delivered by the Narrator of the book (hint, the one who reads it aloud- me or you!) has a BIG DREAM for YOU!
- The book brings in a mindset discussion with admitting we might win or loose, and suggesting we all have different feelings.
- Spoiler alert: The books purpose is that the audience/child "will love Jesus with all of your heart."
- Message of who Jesus is, tells us who He is, and what He has done for us, and what He is doing for us. That represents the full gospel according to Titus 2:11-13, and I love the fun way this is the clear message.
- Loving Jesus with all of your Heart- brings in a God mindset discussion. Deuteronomy 6:5
- Career choices
- Travel--wherever you go... brings so many possibilities- missionaries, multi-ethnicity, geography, even methods of travel, places we live and visit illustrations suggest farms, cities, museums, ...
- Rhyming Words/Poetry
- Adjectives, Adverbs, verbs
- Science, Culture, Celebrations: Floating sky lanterns (traditionally Chinese, but modern America has events with these)
- Growth Mindset- Emotions, Adventures
- Gospel message- past, present, future aspects- what God has done, is doing, and will do for those who believe.
- Walking and talking with Jesus- the Way, Truth, and Life. Can easily teach about the Holy Spirit and God, full trinity. Prayer. Following Jesus. King Jesus, His Word- the Bible, characteristics of God- faithful and true. Sanctification- making things new.

- Bible verses and references at the end or near the words/illustrations for the gospel message.
- How to lead a child to Christ
- Key gospel points
- a corded phone vs. chatting face to face, I suppose this is generic conversation, but this generation of parents have not all seen a corded phone!
- Adults reading a red book with a cross on it- representing a Bible, but I wish it said BIBLE.

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