Saturday, March 16, 2019

Worship Lesson 10: Worshiping God through the Lord's Supper

Worshipping God with Breaking of Bread
Review last supper (as Jesus initiated)
Teach Word choices for the whole body gathering to remember what Jesus did. Teach preparing
Last Supper Review (Luke 22)
Video link
Laminated images
Read aloud script/Drama

Lord’s Supper  (use ICB bibles)
I Corinthians 11:23-29
Handout choices- lord’s supper what do bread/wine stand for?, Cross/King, Jesus Crown, Word Find
Laminated Activities: Puzzle Picture, Spot the Difference
Take home: 1 Cor 11:26 verse

·         To review that the last supper and Jesus death- started the New Covenant, connected to the Passover,  where we don’t have to make blood sacrifices because Jesus was our Rescuer, shed His blood, and stood in our place (a substitute).  We worship Jesus as King by remembering Him weekly with the emblems He suggested as a local church! 
·         To connect that My King, Jesus, is worthy of my worship because His body was broken for ME! His blood was shed for ME!  He was my substitute- He was my sacrifice once for all!  I love Him and am thankful/grateful- so I respond with Worship! (reoccurring theme)
·         To use and compare the different words for Communion/Lord’s Supper/Breaking of Bread/Time of Remembrance to help understand that they are names used by different people or cultures for the same thing.
·         To discuss the words used for the symbols that Jesus asked us to use to remember his death and give thanks regularly for it. Bread/Cup, Bread/Wine, Symbols or Emblems.  We use these words as labels for the food/drink that represents this.
·         To teach that we are to prepare for remembering the Lord to take in a worthy manner. (for believers only, focused on thinking about Jesus)
·         Worship- to bring honor, assign value, make a priority- God is worthy and deserves our glorifying Him as King!
·         Lord’s Supper, Communion, Breaking of Bread, Eucharist- all names for the Worship time where we remember  AND GIVE THANKS for what Jesus did for us on the cross with His death and resurrection- shedding His blood and sacrificing His broken body as the Lamb of God who forgives our sins- a substitute sacrifice (instead of regularly sacrificing animals.)
·         New Covenant- a new covenant is started with Jesus sacrifice for us.
·         Bread/Cup, Bread/Wine, Emblems or Symbols- the food and drink that we eat (partake) of as we remember what Jesus did.  Sacrament

Choose an attention getter- review, a puzzle, props, drama, etc.. 

Then Review:
Story Card review option- laminated pictures of Luke 22 Last Supper and Script.  Or Drama.
·      What is the Lord’s Supper? An act that symbolizes the breaking of Christ’s body and the shedding of His blood on the cross for us and our sins- it’s God focused- honoring and remembering His work.
·      Why did Jesus want His disciples to break bread and drink with him? To remember Him and His death on the cross
·      What happened after the Last Supper? Jesus is betrayed by Judas and then is crucified

Discussion questions as you read I Corinthians 11:23-29 (remember kids are literal and need simple clarifications)
·      Does it matter what type of bread or drink we have for itNo, they are just symbols- but we traditionally use bread and fruit of the vine (wine or grape juice, not grape kool aid)
·      Who can take the Lord’s SupperThose who accept the gospel personally- have a relationship with God. 
·      What do we traditionally do when we take the Lord’s Supper?  Remember Him! We use a theme with an opener, bible reading, prayer, singing, then the emblems are passed.
·      How do other churches have Communion? Some go to the front and have a Pastor or Elder directly give you the emblems, others have you take it from a table, many only do it monthly or quarterly.  Each denomination is different.
·      What should we think about as we take the Lord’s Supper? Jesus- Gratitude for His actions Remember what He has done and is doing in our lives.   
·      When do we confess and ask for forgiveness? In preparation—we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, we examine our relationship with God- our week- our connection
·      Should we pray as we take it? Yes- giving thanks- remembering- gratitude. Prayer is talking to God. Telling Him of our love- our devotion- our commitment to knowing Him!
·      Why do you think it’s important that we do the Lord’s Supper? Jesus asks us to! Why do we do it weekly? Remember Him- or we would forget like the Israelites. 
·      How are we to come to the Lord’s Supper? Prepared, having examined our relationship with Christ, confessed our sins, and connected to God (commune).

What are we told to do in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26? ICB
23 The teaching that I gave you is the same teaching that I received from the Lord: On the night when Jesus was handed over to be killed, he took bread 24 and gave thanks for it. Then he broke the bread and said, “This is my body; it is[b] for you. Do this to remember me.” 25 In the same way, after they ate, Jesus took the cup. He said, “This cup shows the new agreement from God to his people. This new agreement begins with the blood of my death. When you drink this, do it to remember me.” 26 Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you show others about the Lord’s death until he comes.

What does the Lord ask of us? I Corinthians 11:27-29 ICB
27 So a person should not eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in a way that is not worthy of it. If he does, he is sinning against the body and the blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone should look into his own heart before he eats the bread and drinks the cup. 29 If someone eats the bread and drinks the cup without recognizing the body, then he is judged guilty by eating and drinking. 
Complete a handout where students write- what the bread and cup stand for- as a closure.

This week’s take away verse: “Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you show others about the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26


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