Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Lessons on the Gospel- other resources I've incorporated into little church/children's church with pre-schoolers

 This spring, I've read the following books with our preschoolers at least once.  

This book defined words, shared the concepts, but doesn't have the same momentum-building connections as the other board books we read.  But it does present the concepts in a biblical, simple truthful way.  

This book I used at least twice. Once I read through the whole book, and another time we reviewed the gospel concepts by going through the story.  I think it's a better fit for the 5-7-year-old group as its pictures are more detailed, and a bit more intense with the artwork.  

Because I'm all about repetition but changing it up a little bit to keep the children listening, I also used this book.  It's a smaller book and the print is tiny and brief, so it was easy to work into our reading, and now it's in our bag of gospel books that are in our nursery/little church room.  

This is the last book that I shared in our unit, and probably the longest to read aloud, but the week I read the whole thing, we had a lot of our ages 4-6-year-olds present, and it's perfect for them.  

For me, it hits all the concepts I've been building in our preschool lessons:

·       God created the world, people. 

·       God loves us SO much. 

·       People sinned, separating us from God.

·       God loves us SO much- He had a plan- that plan is Jesus.

·       Jesus is God and man.  Jesus lived, died, and rose again so that we may have eternal life, be with God forever, made right. 

·       We want to be King of me!  and be in control.  But that doesn't work so well.

·       Jesus is Our King.  Jesus is working on His Kingdom, preparing it for those who believe in Him. 

·       Jesus loves you and me!  and I love Jesus!

·       I need to turn to Jesus (and to please Him I should stop sinning).

·       The Holy Spirit is God- and He is my Helper- to help me live with Jesus as King of me. 

·       This is the Good News! 

·       God's Word tells me that after I believe- I should share the Good News!  

So this was a perfect read-aloud after all the other books, and because it fit the concepts and themes we had been talking about for weeks, the littles listened better as it was familiar and review.  

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