Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Lessons on the Gospel- Go, Share, Missions, Witnesses

Some of the other lessons I used games and activities from the Bible App for kids website.  The website also leads to an OpenChurch website with their curriculum.  

I like the small group activities, the prop talks, and the connections to the Bible.  

I used ideas from: God's Good Gospel- Unit 19 and Journey's for Jesus Unit 9 on the Gospel and Missions.  

In Little Church and Children's Church, we did the prop talks from Journey's for Jesus- 

We looked at globes, and where we are, where Paul travelled, where Jesus lived, and where our missionaries live.   We then practiced saying, Go! Go! Go! Share Jesus! and we marched around chanting this!  

We had the traffic light and played a version of red light/green light, where when it was green- we knew we could, "Go! Go! Go! share Jesus (or share the Good News)"  As witnesses/missionaries like Paul.  

We also had a picture of a school, a home, park, and the world- and we asked, where can you share Jesus? anywhere!  or we picked a specific place and talked about sharing Jesus there!  

We then added in what we want to share as the Good News or the Gospel- which led us back to our images and tossing bean bags on all the aspects of the Good News- so that we could share that Jesus loves me, He died for me, He rose again so that I can have eternal life, He paid for my sin, He's preparing a kingdom for me, He sent the Holy Spirit (a dove symbol and we made our hands wings) to be our helper!  

We also sang our J-E-S-U-S song- because There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is His name. Yes! J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S and Jesus is His name Yes!  Because there is power in the name of Jesus- He is God and He lived as man without any sin!  

We did sing this song with the help of Youtube one or two weeks!  

We also sang, "This little light of mine!" and "The Bible" on occassion.  

We also connected throughout our Acts study that Peter and John shared the good news, and healed in the power of Jesus name!, that Philip taught the Good News to the Ethiopian Man, and we practiced sharing the Good News using head from the Ethiopian Man and Philip on popsicle sticks.  That come from another one of my favorite resources, BibleFunforKids, the author Debbie Jackson has been sharing and updating resources for years, and she does such a great job focusing on the verses that go with the event, as well as interactions that make it come alive.  I printed my teaching set full page, but for the kids I printed two pages per page, so that the heads were more reasonable size.  

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