Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Raising the Challenging Child: How to Minimize Meltdowns, Reduce Conflict, and Increase Cooperation

I'm an avid reader of parenting and classroom management books for 20 plus years, and I'm an avid reader so that's a lot of books!!

This resource with the examples and scripts built in is exactly what tired, weary, parents and teachers need.  The tips.  Seal the deal.
See for yourself!

I liked it so much I have two physical copies and the kindle version!

 I want to have access to it and be able to share it with other parents!

This is a parenting book for the non-reader. Achievable. Simple. Clear to understand.  Takes a heart focused on serving and growing kids to achieve the strategies.   And suggests do overs galore.  Grace as it's best modeled for us.

This is the parenting book for the reader. Well formatted. Clear Strategies.  A book to be read over and over to remind you that you are growing and improving as a parent and that it matters!!

 Whether you are parenting a child from a hard place, a neuro-typical child, or a special needs child, this book brings all the best practice strategies of research alive and models them with tips, scripts, and real life examples!

I rarely give a book five stars, but this book is well deserving of this high accolade!  And if you want to know kindle or physical book--it has such great charts and scripts- I'd say physical book is really nice to have in your hands and implement.

This book does not whisper the Word directly to your mind as you read it.  But the worldview and strategies are biblically based on the foundations of love, connection, and grace in your parenting.  Share a verse in the comments that comes to mind as you read the book to demonstrate that while the authors have been therapists, who wanted these strategies to be used by all parents no matter their beliefs, you will recognize clearly that with the Holy Spirit, being this kind of parent is pretty impossible! 

written by: Karen Doyle Buckwalter, Debbie Reed, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine

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