Monday, October 1, 2018

David C Cook Partner Review: Calming Angry Kids by Tricia Goyer

Do you want to learn how to help your child deal with anger? This book will show you how YOU are the first and best solution, and the author, Tricia Goyer, shares how humbling and challenging it is to change YOUR responses to outbursts from angry children. Not only does she share her learning, but she is well researched, articulate, and of all the parenting books I've read, her book is the best I've read as far as easy to implement, research based practices from well known authors like Dan Siegel are integrated, as well as a biblical basis for changing your heart and skill set, while you approach your child and help him or her gain the skills that he or she needs to recognize a trigger, handle intense emotions, realize that that it's easier to be mad than sad, or recognize their own intensity in an everyday situation. I will be sharing this book and the helpful approach over and over. And as you can see from my pictures of highlighted segments- it is practical and I've already been taking pictures and sharing with mom friends who are in the same struggle I face, as we encourage one another to grow and parent in a meaningful and helpful way!

Each chapter ends with a reflection question set to help you process and internalize the content.... it's well done and so helpful.

One of my favorite parts of this book- parenting an angry child- starts with my heart-- asking God to show me what changes I need to make.  Wisdom shared from Psalm 27:14

#whisperingtheword connection- whisper to myself before my kids... let them see it in me!

Example of research based strategies integrated in knowing how to figure out where the feelings are coming from, so you can create a plan and share strategies to help address them better.

This is not a five minute read and it's all inside, and you'll do this.  Dealing with intense emotions requires your commitment- remembering your focus is- I'm on your team- meaning you remind them- we will figure this out together- and you are with them. 

I have read a lot of parenting books. I’ve read a lot of books on helping children handle their overwhelming emotions. I have learned so much from so many in the past five years. I’ve read through the lists on helping trauma, foster, adoptive kids. I’m an avid reader and have had much to learn. I’ve sought out the balance of brain based responses. Biblical responses. Trauma responses.

This is the easiest to read. Most practical. Well researched. Easy to grasp. And most likely to be internalized book of all the books. The author has lived, learned, prayed and suffered through gains and losses. Her story and knowledge are spot on and this resource is at the top of the list to share with those who need help parenting kids with strong emotions.

It's encouraging as she shares her failures and learning in parenting challenging/angry children of all ages.  It's encouraging as she recognizes it's knowing the research. learning to know YOU are the key factor in calming kids and preventing the whirlwind, but that God is with you, His Word brings hope and help in the best practice concepts of calming angry kids, learning their triggers, and planning ways to help them grow the needed skills to overcome intense emotions.

Thankful to partner with David C. Cook and read an early copy.  Comment below by Friday, October 5th, 2018 and I'll draw a winner sometime after noon, and one of you can win a copy!!


  1. It's more empowering to be mad than sad... how true that is in my own life! Why would I expect anything less in my kiddos lives?

  2. "Overwhelming emotions" is such a good phrase. I would love to read this book!
