Monday, March 23, 2020

Bethany Partner Review: Thriving in Love and Money by Jeff and Shaunti Feldman


Parenting is not for the faint of heart.  Parents who trust God and His Word and strive to grow in their marriage will whisper the Word to their children by their actions and relationship.  So today, I'm featuring a book that helps couples improve their communication about money.  Often an area of great tension in relationships. 

We've been married for 25 years-- and this is a book that we both picked up to read. This book is a great resource of strategies on how to communicate-- yes it's really focused on communicating about money--but truly it's also a great plan to figure out how men and women think differently and may not be communicating or speaking the same language.

The book is researched based and has percents, comparisons, and shares perspectives of a lot of couples. Making it a believable and thought provoking book. We stopped and discussed how we are doing on the main themes of each chapter and how we are doing communicating.

Whispering the Word connection: 
The authors suggest praying and trusting God in this process as you seek to really communicate with one another about money.  

Great book for a couple at any point in their marriage, a solid foundation to expand your communication about money and the ideas transfer to many other conversations. Thankful to partner with Bethany House/Baker publishing to get a copy of the book. 

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