Monday, March 2, 2015

Music Ministry

How do you choose music to whisper the Word in your family or church life?

Here's some excellent resources I know of...and a few my friends love...  (and my list is more for listening than the music or performing part, I don't have a musical skill set other than to enjoy it a lot!)

Prezi on how to think about Music by Ashleigh Wilson with some great thoughts about HOW to evaluate music...

A book in the Emmaus library with guiding principles (more for a choir)
....a majority of the book deals with what would be good for a children's choir but I liked it in the fact that it divided into Biblical Perspectives, Educational Perspectives, and Contemporary Challenges. It would help you think about music choices when there are so many, how do you choose the best?
Children's ministry musicby Connie Fortunato

Videos of songs that kids sing... 

CD's to purchase
What link for a favorite cd, youtube video of a favorite song would you add?

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