Monday, March 16, 2015

Ministry Resources for kids

What resources would you add to this list? any companies? programs? books?

here is NO way this list is complete....but it's a start!!  :)  Suggest places in the comments

Pioneer Clubs


Child Evangelism Fellowship

K Magazine

Childrens Ministry magazine

Group Publishing

Lifeway Publishing

Lifeway KidMin Blog

252 Basics (from Orange)

Children Desiring God


Gospel Light

What's in the Bible

D6 family




Christian Boyscouts (Assembly of God)
Girl version:

Passport Camp!_2013/Kids!_Program.html

LOGOS, a church developed midweek program Camelbak Kids

Broader KidMin

International Network of Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry (facebook type) group

Ministry to Children Website/Blog

List of kidmin blogs


Screens and Teens Book Review

Think about this... "whether technology is something you've always known or something you've adapted to, there's no denying that technology has transformed communication. It's also changing our brains."  Culture cultivates the brain...(loc 247/2408 chap 2)

So what is cultivating your brain? 

If you are older than 25, it's your habits, beliefs, attitudes.  But if you are younger than 25, your brain is still forming connections.  So a teen in 2015, then screens will cultivate their brains.

How do we escape the cultural influence?  God can transform our minds! (Romans 8-12)

In Screens and Teens, Dr. Kathy Koch shares some truths that we need to be aware of, and then how screens impact these truths in our teens.  It's a lot of information to think about, and honestly, it's something to think about long before our kids are teens! Our habits impact our kids culture more than anything else!

Want to play two truths and a lie with your teens and their screens? Read #screensandteens to help play with some 'we can' statements to help your teens connect to life.

In the book, Dr. Koch presents five truths we need to be aware of and the lies that we tell to keep up with our wrong thinking.  She explains each one, it's connection to screens, and then shares examples of the truth with simple fixes.  Teens find their purpose, security and identity these days in their social media, and unfortunately so do some adults.  This is the world we are in, and it can seem like it's not going to be an easy fix.  But that's why I loved this book.  We find hope and help to move on!
Dr. Kathy suggests some great ideas, resources, and concepts to help us lead our teens (and maybe even our own minds) toward maturity.   She takes this challenge heartily through the rest of the book!

She gets us to THINK. She gives us a plan for moving on with HOPE and knowing we can overcome.

So how do we 'fix' these thoughts in our kids (or our own brains), read Screens and Teens to find out! It's a fast read, easily comprehended, but probably a book I will re-read on occasion, as imparting the truth into even my brain will be a battle of the old vs new nature in my life.

I've had the privilege to read an advanced copy of this book, and I was asked to review it, but I have to say, it's a book I will read more than once, I found it helpful, inspiring and practical.  So I'd suggest others purchasing it!! And I wasn't required to give the book a favorable review, this is what I believe.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Music Ministry

How do you choose music to whisper the Word in your family or church life?

Here's some excellent resources I know of...and a few my friends love...  (and my list is more for listening than the music or performing part, I don't have a musical skill set other than to enjoy it a lot!)

Prezi on how to think about Music by Ashleigh Wilson with some great thoughts about HOW to evaluate music...

A book in the Emmaus library with guiding principles (more for a choir)
....a majority of the book deals with what would be good for a children's choir but I liked it in the fact that it divided into Biblical Perspectives, Educational Perspectives, and Contemporary Challenges. It would help you think about music choices when there are so many, how do you choose the best?
Children's ministry musicby Connie Fortunato

Videos of songs that kids sing... 

CD's to purchase
What link for a favorite cd, youtube video of a favorite song would you add?