Thursday, July 25, 2019

Waterbrook Partner: The Jesus Who Surprises Us by Dee Brestin

This book's premise is built on the passage in Luke where Jesus joined the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and they didn't recognize Him.  I decided to review this book and bible study because this passage is dear to my heart, and I wanted to see how a book and Bible study was created from it.  I only remember reading one other book from Dee Brestin, this was her first well known book The Friendship of Women and I read it in high school.  So I don't remember much about it.  But I know that she has become a well known author and has several books and bible studies. 

Things I like about this book:

  • Free videos to go with it, done by Dee Brestin with teaching she shares, as well as hearing from some of the 21 women who she piloted the study with before the book was published.  
  • How the videos are done.  Dee Brestin's teaching style includes passion, joy, and she is pleasant to learn from.  They are between 10-14 minutes long.  
  • It's a study that you can do alone, with a small group, or a large group.  
  • It's all in one book.  You don't have to buy a separate study book. It even includes facilitator tips and notes.  
  • The book could be read as a stand alone, and the book embraces the perspective of how to see God in your days.  She calls it a weekly God Hunt, and layers in different ways to be alert to God.  
  • Bible Study goes through Jesus (often unknown) appearances in Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, representing that Jesus is across the whole Bible.  
  • You could easily do the study whether you had time to read the pages in between or not.  It's a five day plan, and it's achievable in a few minutes, but it's rich with questions that will help you think at a higher level about the scripture you are reading.  
  • Quotes, references, and examples from many, many well known authors and theologians intertwined. 
  • The book and study if taken to heart, require introspection and thinking more deeply about your mindset, actions, and beliefs to know the Lord intimately.  But the author leads you to this, and it builds from lesson to lesson well.  
Things that gave me pause or to consider: 
  • this book seems written for those who have biblical literacy and know the Lord as Savior.  
  • Dee Brestin uses sophisticated language and vocabulary, so not every woman may grasp what she's sharing.  (I'm a regular reader with an extensive vocabulary and paused at a few words new to me.)   
  • the notes about the study completion might make some ladies uncomfortable (if they read them).  Notes about "the richest groups are when people have done their homework."  I know in our studies, we know this is best, but we know it doesn't always happen, and encourage women to come even unprepared, as they can still learn from the discussion.  

Thankful to partner with Waterbrook Multnomah and be able to read an advance copy of this book. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Victory in Jesus: Bible Object Lessons About Jesus for Kids by Anne Marie Gosnell

I had the privilege of reviewing the first three lessons in this book.

Here's what I like about it:
  • Good Bible Teaching- great ways to tell the events of Jesus life and key people, events, and elements included in the plan.  
  • Materials Preparation extras provided. The author thinks like a teacher, and has prepared the 'extras' for you. On her website, you will find a poster for each lesson, maps to show locations, etc.  This is in her How the Book Works section at the start. 
  • Author Notes/Tips: The author's note/opening before the lessons- when you are teaching a Bible story- she suggests you not just call it a story- this confuses kids- and is a literature term that they often associate with fiction- or untrue stories.  Use your Bible, have children use their Bibles! (Amen!)
  • Geography included: Show the location.  Each lesson gives you the location of the Bible text you will be reading, and she will have maps shared on her website to use with the object lessons. 
  • Background Notes provided - I took a little breathe when I read and I give you some notes to help put the story in place- thinking all these added details are going to make this confusing to read, but NO, I was wrong- She is a teacher, and she has pointed, simple statements that are really helpful!! But so simple and direct!  
  • Background Notes- connect the Old Testament to this New Testament event, or to the event before this one.  Building the connections from the previous book of the Bible or event.  
  • Simple objects- not things that will be hard to provide.
  • Teacher Comment box- encouraging YOU to reflect on your delivery of this lesson- and plan to improve- plus a simple tip- like "Try to bring Jesus and Salvation into every lesson you teach."   
We must be kindred teacher friends- Anne Marie Gosnell plans a lesson that I love and would use on my own.  I love that she is succinct, to the point, and it's so simple to follow and the goal is present.

Things to tweak:
  • Learning Target in Overview: I wish the goal/objective of the lesson was listed in the initial overview of the lesson.  It's in the opening paragraph, but is easily just read over, and I'm not sure some of our teachers (who are not trained teachers) would think- this is what I repeat over and over throughout the lesson.  And she ends the lesson part with a bold statement for the life application, and part of the goal is also to make clear a characteristic of God, but if it's not present til the end, will we all catch and value that aspect?  
  • Object List: a list at the start of the book or on the website- that shares all the objects used in the lessons, so you realize that this book is for you, as those are common household things and easy to own or borrow.  
  • Scripture References: In lesson two, the gospel was presented with verses, but those references weren't identified or shared, and if it's important for children to look at the passage where the event comes from, it would also be helpful to see scripture that isn't in 'stories' but is in letters or teaching from important people, come from the Bible.  
  • Word Choice/Concept Choice in Life Applications.   As in any material finding the best phrase, descriptive word, etc to convey your point, varies from person to person. In the 2nd lesson, in life application, the author suggests that God wants us to make smart christians in how we read and think about His Word.  For my program and ministry, we have been emphasizing that we need to have a relationship with God that is personal, knowledgeable, and connected to both our head/heart.  So I would alter that sentence when I delivered the concept.  In the same lesson, she talks about Jesus wearing a "costume" since He was God and man.  I like this word choice and description on some levels, but also think that it could confuse children- thinking that it was pretend or something, as that is when kids wear costumes.  This one, I'm still pondering what I think about.  That's why this is my tweak.  
Thankful to partner with Future Flying Saucers and have an opportunity to review the first three lessons of the book before release.  I've already ordered the Old Testament book for this fall's sunday school lessons!  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Bethany House Partner Review: Exhale by Amy Carroll & Cheri Gregory

This book's subtitle is: lose who you're not, love who you are, live your one life well.  
The book is divided into these three categories and it works.  I read lots of spiritual growth/self help christian books, and this one stands out.  The biggest difference is that this book addresses our mindset, and directly encourages us to change our mindset.  But instead of describing a fixed versus growth mindset, as the world does.  The authors choose to suggest we have a new mindset.  And I see that new mindset as one who is a new creature in Christ, looking to God to lead not her own sin nature.  It's the age old struggle of old vs. new, but sin vs. living in Christ.  

Here are some memes to help share the thinking.  

The book shares biblical examples and scripture that fit the mindset we are to adopt.  It is well formatted as each chapter ends with one of the three subtitles and a breathe moment which is a suggestion of how to take the concepts and move ahead.  There are subtitles throughout the pages and it's so easy to read, not so easy to take the suggestions to heart, but I found them to be exactly what my heart and mind needs to grow.  

This book I really enjoyed, but at the same time I had a hard time picking it up.  As I got further and further into it, I figured out why.  This is a book that you can't just read.  It requires introspection.  Self analysis.  And it makes you accountable to think, process, and recognize your actions.  The authors even link you to their website with extra tools ready to print and use.  And my old nature didn't want me to stop and recognize things that could change, especially with self awareness and the power of the Holy Spirit.  It's a book that will be reviewed and reread over time.  It would also make a good Bible study for a group and the authors have created one as well.  Thankful to partner with Bethany House and review this very important new book for Christ following women.