Monday, March 25, 2013

Readers, reviewers... tyndale rewards program

I stumbled on this today... you can earn free books by joining Tyndale Rewards program.

use this link to join and I earn more points~!

Just by joining, and sharing I have enough for at least 1 free book, maybe 2, depends on what I choose. So cool! I love being in the know.  I hope they pick me to help review and promote children's Bibles since my collection is over 75 now and I'm teaching about it so often!!

Easter Week

Need some simple, easy or fun Easter ideas...

I keep pinning them here:

We made 20 sets of the Easter Eggs (only 6) for Preschool classes at our chapel.   It's simple, I had all the stuff in the house, and will be a nice take away for our children.  It's from motherhoodonadime.  

I'm doing a scripture reference 'candy' hunt with my kids this week from almost unschoolers. 

And we will make crowns that are half crowns/half thorns (brown paper) as well to think of the dual ways we crowned Jesus as King...

Ressurection rolls will be done at some point.

And if the kids are in a crafty mood- I  may make salt dough and we will make crosses, but also other items that represent the ressurection story... palm leaves, nails, tombs, cross, ... we'll see what they come up with... 

We will also READ from their Bibles and other Bible storybooks!  Oh and they can't wait to play easter bingo from

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Whispers from the web...memory verse ideas

My kids are almost done with their awana books, and I always feel like we do them a disservice by NOT intentionally working on memory verses during the summer school break.  I am going to change that this year! 

My Family for His Glory has been working on Pslam 145 this spring, and she has an activity for each week to help reinforce the verse or just practice together.  I think my kids and I will do this in May/June. 

You can find her ideas here:

I especially like this puppet idea for our family trip this summer- simple paper bags can be transformed on a long plane ride or a slow day!   I had already decided that our kids will challenge their cousins to memorize a passage while we are on a weeklong cruise as a family of 21 people.  What better way to ensure we are loving and kind than to be reviewing God's Word in our minds.  Thinking about Psalm 103 as a good perspective psalm... anyone have any other suggestions? 

I'm learning that I must plan these spiritual disciplines and when I do, I am thankful and we find true joy in walking and talking the Word of God.  

I could make the following things to enhance it:
memory card puzzles

maybe a SLAM journal of the verses and memories of the trip?

scripture typer cards

First letter cards....word finds....crossword puzzles

hmm... so many options...must plan and set a goal!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Whispers from the Web

If you want kids to read the Word of God, sometimes they need help as readers...

A great resource for helping and diagnosing reader struggles...

another resource on using the Bible as a teaching tool.... with many fun links for activities and interactions... I got lost in her preschool links, and I love that she is 'on a budget' so she shares frugal ideas.

I've been thinking about my 3 year old and building in some educational activities since she is in love with numbers, letters, shapes, but is bored much faster than the boys!

My Pinterest boards I keep adding to...

Easter has 54 ideas right now (many are one link to a whole week or month of ideas!)

Children's Ministry is a catch of all Bible with kids ideas (and expands as I teach my course!)

Children's Bibles...

Monday, March 4, 2013


I've been thinking about Easter and how to prepare our hearts, and how to help our children anticipate Easter like we anticipated Christmas.  

How do you teach about Easter?
How do you encourage a time of reflection in this time that others refer to as Lent? 
Comment below and share your ideas
We remember the Lord's Supper in Breaking of Bread weekly at our chapel, but I'm realizing that emphasizing the process of remembrance that leads to worship once a year with our children, really may help their learning and personal growth, so I'm mulling over how to integrate these concepts into our lives this month! 

I've added some pins to my Pinterest Board to help think this through and will be working at sharing Easter books and resources with my children's ministry class this week.

I'm especially intrigued with visuals and story tellers, as I really believe I'm a good preschool learner!! I need props and images to remember and fix in my brain!

 “He Lives!” Finger Puppets  what all can you do with this set of puppets from oriental trading?

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